Friday, January 3, 2014

Millenial Generation

As I sit at my night job, I explore texts my manager is reading. 1501 Ways To Reward Employees By Bob Nelson. The focus? The Millennial Generation and how to motivate "us" to be more productive.

While I am not even one chapter in, I have already begun to think about causation behind why our generation needs to be praised to continue to be productive (rather than the opposite). My parents raised me as if I was a "baby-boomer" child, so I feel that much of this does not apply to me. Nevertheless, it has much validity.

I think back to when I was a child, and every student needed to be praised for their good work and share in a sports team's overall success. This praise as a child has snowballed with us into adulthood, constantly needing to be reminded how good we are, instead of earning respect.

We demand respect, feeling that we are entitled to it. While the days of working hard and earning our living are not over, we demand to be recognized, or else we feel left out and discouraged.

I think it is important to break out of this habit. With the evolution of technology (e.g. social media, cell phones) it only further enables this factor. I think old values and lessons should be brought back from the baby-boomer generation to lessen the effect of our feeling of entitlement.

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Jersey. Increasing the Minimum Wage

I'm not sure how I feel about this new increase. On the one hand it will be fantastic for everyone who is suffering and scraping by. 

However, those burger flippers and grocery packers who are still in high school may not need (or deserve) that extra income. Initially of course. They should earn it. 

This initial increase with annual incremental increases will give many peace of mind, but how will small businesses react? Will the extra money encourage more spending? Or will it create even more "penny pinchers" until the middle class reaches a greater width? 

I for one think that those high school first time employees are not in dire need of extra money earn their place by having their wages start where mine did $7.25 (relative to the economy and inflation of course). 

By paying those who are not in dire need am increased minimum wage we are reinforcing his or her sense of entitlement, which they "deserve" without earning. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

House of Cards: Season 2

The most amazing series that I have had the pleasure of watching. This show had inspired me to explore the process that Frank Underwood (Spacey) implements his plans. Edward De Bono's Design Thinking theory.

While Spacey applies this technique with the help of his colleagues, this process has many practical applications. I am currently in the process of studying this and applying to issues that fall in my path. Mastery of this technique can be extremely helpful when addressing challenges and issues during one's lifetime.

I am looking forward to the second season and I am very interested in how the Vice Presidency position plays out.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Google versus Facebook

If Google is to beat Facebook in this new Social Media war, try are going to need a fresh idea. 

Photos are seemingly the only anchor keeping people from leaving Facebook. 

However, Google appears to be for the new businessman/ woman who is interested in more than just "friends." It stimulates with a similar design and a variety of information. 

That being said, Google has the potential and an apparent advantage in their employee base and credibility. They have grown since inception and give users a base to navigate the entire internet. 

They have seemingly won the Bing versus Google war (despite the commercial propaganda). They have no commercial retort showing confidence in their company's superior image. 

With this in mind we may discover another piece of the internet fall to Google's hand.