Monday, December 30, 2013

New Jersey. Increasing the Minimum Wage

I'm not sure how I feel about this new increase. On the one hand it will be fantastic for everyone who is suffering and scraping by. 

However, those burger flippers and grocery packers who are still in high school may not need (or deserve) that extra income. Initially of course. They should earn it. 

This initial increase with annual incremental increases will give many peace of mind, but how will small businesses react? Will the extra money encourage more spending? Or will it create even more "penny pinchers" until the middle class reaches a greater width? 

I for one think that those high school first time employees are not in dire need of extra money earn their place by having their wages start where mine did $7.25 (relative to the economy and inflation of course). 

By paying those who are not in dire need am increased minimum wage we are reinforcing his or her sense of entitlement, which they "deserve" without earning. 

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